Interested in applying for a Habitat home in either Scott or Bourbon County? Complete your application today!

If you are able to download your application forms to print, complete and mail to our office please download and complete the documents listed below. Every application should include the following:

When you have completed the forms you can mail your entire application to our office or drop it off in person. Our address is 120 W. Clinton Street, Georgetown, KY 40324You may also scan and email your completed application to with the message line reading “Homeownership Program Application.”

You may stop by the Habitat office during regular business hours to pick up an application. Also, you may call our office at 502-868-1050 and we would be more than happy to mail your application to you directly.

Applicants must demonstrate the following:

Substantial need for housing, your home must be:

  • Substandard problems with heat, water, electricity, structure
  • Insufficient space–lacking enough bedrooms for the number of people in the household
  • Dangerous–located in unsafe or unsanitary living conditions
  • Inadequate–not suited for a family member who has a limitation
  • Subsidized for an extended period of time

Ability to Pay

  • Your income will not stop or decrease by owning a home and is stable over time
  • Your credit report and current debts are satisfactory
  • Your income falls within our current income guidelines outlined on the application

Willingness to partner with Scott/Bourbon Counties Habitat

  • Completing the application on time with all the requested information
  • Be willing to move to a new location within either Scott or Bourbon County
  • Agree to complete sweat equity hours
  • Show that the family is ready for the responsibilities of owning and keeping up a home and yard
  • Maintain all income and credit requirements from acceptance into the program through the final closing on the home.

If you have any questions about the application process, accessing the application forms, or any other steps of the approval process please contact our Family Services Coordinator Katie Garnett at 502-868-1050 or

Requirements to Purchase a Habitat Home

To be eligible to become a Scott/Bourbon Counties Habitat for Humanity Partner Family, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a legal United States resident
  • Live or work in either Scott or Bourbon County for at least one continuous year prior to application
  • Meet current income requirements (based on family size) and credit debt-to-income ratio guidelines. Inquire with our Program Manager at 502-868-1050 for more details.
  • Have a steady source of income for two years prior to filing the application, or one year if you’ve been at your current job for one year.
  • Any bankruptcy filings must have been discharged a minimum of one year prior to filing an application
  • (Maximum Income) — Have a total household income which does not exceed 60% of the median income for similar size families in Scott County.

Once your application is completed and all components have been received by the Habitat office then the selection process will begin. This selection process includes reviewing your application, running and reviewing a credit check, running a sex offender registry check, completing a home interview, and review of your application by our Family Selection Committee before your application will be submitted to our Board of Directors for potential approval. We will keep you updated as this process is completed.

Please note: Partner families are selected based upon actual need for housing, ability to pay, and willingness to partner. Scott/Bourbon Counties Habitat does not discriminate because of age, race, religion, sex, handicap status, veteran status, marital status, or national origin. It generally takes approximately 12-18 months from the time a selected family applies to the time they move into their Habitat home.

If you have any questions about the selection process or your status please feel free to contact our Family Services Coordinator Katie Garnett at 502-868-1050 or

What is Sweat Equity?

  • Sweat equity is the partner family’s non-cash contribution toward the building of their home. It is a recognition of each Partner Family’s commitment to future Habitat homeownership.

Who does Sweat Equity?

  • Partner families are responsible for providing sweat equity hours toward their house.

How much Sweat Equity is required?

  • 250 hours of sweat equity are required of each adult in the household who are 18 years old and older. No more than 500 hours will be required of any family.

What are common types of sweat equity activities?

  • Attendance at designated meetings and workshops which includes budgeting and home maintenance classes.
  • Construction of Habitat homes
  • Assist with projects in the Habitat office
  • Specified community events/activities
  • Children in your household may submit report cards for sweat equity hours. The number of hours are awarded on a sliding scale based on the letter grade received in each subject

NOTICE: The federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided the applicant has the capacity to enter into a binding contract); because all or part of the applicant’s income derives from any public assistance program; or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The federal agency that administers compliance with this law concerning this creditor is the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 20580.

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